
A voz de Cristo te convida: Vem!

I came across this song on YouTube and I immediately fell in love with it. Even though the song is in, what I later learnt to be Portuguese (Brazil), I just knew it was a hymn and it’s a hymn I’d love to know more about.

I was blessed to download many renditions of the hymns from various singers. However, I couldn’t find the English lyrics and I googled for several hours without much success. I got help using Google Translate, though. Of course, we can’t rely on computer generated lyrics and it also doesn’t follow the rhythm of the hymn.

After some hours listening heavily to the song and then working on word permutations, I was able to translate the song into, what I hope, is a good English translation.

Stanza One:
A voz de Cristo te convida: Vem!
Sedento, a Cristo vem!
Chamando continua o Salvador,
Ao homem pecador.

The voice of Jesus is calling you, Come!
Thirsty soul, come to Christ!
The Saviour continues to call on you,
And to all sinful men.

Glory to the great Almighty God,
Who sent redemption from His presence.
Through Jesus, the Source of forgiveness,
Eternal salvation

Stanza Two:
Sedentos, vinde ao manancial
de vida eternal;
Quem ao convite não se recusar,
Com Cristo irá reinar.

Oh thirsty souls, come to the Fountain now,
That spring’s eternal life;
Whoever does not refuse the invitation,
Will reign with Christ the Lord.

Glory to the great Almighty God,
Who sent redemption from His presence.
Through Jesus, the Source of forgiveness,
Eternal salvation

Stanza Three:
Quem quer a glória ir com o Senhor
e ver seu esplendor,
Contrito, deve receber a luz
Provinda de Jesus.

Whoever wants to glory with the Lord
And be part of His splendor,
In humility, he must receive the light,
Coming from Christ the Lord.

Glory to the great Almighty God,
Who sent redemption from His presence.
Through Jesus, the Source of forgiveness,
Eternal salvation

A servant of Jesus Christ, husband, father and an entrepreneur. Aspiring theologian and preacher. Owolabi is happily married to Oluseun and their union is blessed with children.

Further reading

Tillers of the ground part 2

Allegory on self-reliance and reliance on God.Cain’s unyielding warning to God’s warningDespite God’s warning to Cain, Genesis 4...


Allegory on self-reliance and reliance on God. The story of Adam and his role in the Garden of Eden offers profound insights into the beginning of...

Hiding the Blood of Redemption

Hebrews 12:24 You have come to Jesus, who arranged the new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that promises much better things than does the blood...

The Naioth Experience

The Lord never rejected the person of Saul but He rejected him from being King, 1 Samuel 16: 1. God’s mercy abounded for Saul to return to the...