Jochebed story:HER ACT OF FAITHShe had faith with her husband when most Hebrew women were not. Instead of being afraid (opposite of faith) of the King’s commandment she kept her faith.There are many devices crafted against children today like...
Any journey we take without Jesus leading us, will only lead to an undesirable end. We saw that when He was going from Judea to Galilee, there was a need for Him to go through Samaria; a region of great hostility and the disciples followed in His...
LOST WELLSGenesis 26:15,18: For all the wells which his father’s servants had digged in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had stopped them, and filled them with earth (or filled with dirt).Wells dug by Christians are lost after...
Jacob’s well can be seen as platforms for revealing Jesus in your community, neighborhood, school, organization, institution, and others.Examples are what Christian western missionaries brought to Nigeria: education, portable water system...
THE MYSTERIOUS DEATHThe death of this man of God was a mystery to the people. Many will ask:How can a lion kill the man of God?How can the lion remain standing by him?Why didn’t the lion kill the ass?Why is the ass standing by him and not run...
God sent a man of God from Judah to Bethel to prophesy His purpose and plan to the altar, the priest and the people. Though a prophet was in the land of Bethel but he was not relevant to God because he was ‘old’ in the things of the...
Lot means a covering or a veil. Lot could represent a person, job, career or any personal pursuit that is a potential threat to the peace of your marriage and God's vision. He was a covering in the home of Abraham and Sarah...