And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put [them for] his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.
– Genesis 28:11
In 1 Peter 2:4-5 we read: “You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God’s temple. He was rejected by people, but he was chosen by God for great honor. And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are His holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.” NIV.
Most young people embark on different journeys of life without the leading of God for the journey; whilst they may have their parents consent and blessing, without God’s approval they risk ending all in futility.
Jacob went on such a journey from the promised land to Syria with his parents consent, but it was a sour end for the mother; all her hope to see her son return was dashed.
Many youths are on a costly journey from their ‘God promised land to Syria (promising land or haven)‘; though they had thought it’s going to be a blissful sojourning there because they have heard promising tales from their people and friends, but alas! without God it will end in doom, sorrow, shame, pain and ultimately ruin.
God is, however, merciful and ready to interrupt such journeys at a place where He can find living stones, faithful Christians, to direct the wandering young man or woman to the chief cornerstone, Jesus Christ, who will grant them rest and help them discover their purpose. It is sad that many Christians are not living stones.

If God finds you at that place or post (school, hospital, office, market, military, gate, bank, wherever) that He had placed you, He will trigger a divine interruption to that lost soul (‘Jacob’) with an expectation that you are there to lead that soul to Jesus.
God will not divinely interrupt a sinner if there is no Christian to interpret and seal the sum so he can understand and be baptized to Jesus, else, that soul will be left more confused as he/he will have no pillow to lay his /her head. This divine interruption (sunset at noonday), which brings a fork in the road in that life might be the last chance for that youth to repent and get the right equipping for his life.
Are you a living stone at ‘a certain place’?
Jacob took from the stones of that place and set them for his pillows. Resting his head on those stones as pillows was like pouring his troubled mind to a Christian/discipler who will then redirect his troubled heart to the Cross to have an encounter with Jesus.
Can wandering, wasting youths pour their troubled minds to you and you direct them to the Source of all rest?
Can you translate God’s divine interruption for a life into an encounter with the Lord?
Can you teach those youths how to rest on Jesus and how to seek Him?
The Encounter
Jacob had an encounter through dream with the precious stone of Israel, Jesus Christ, because the living stones led his mind to find rest in the Chief Cornerstone. The Lord then gave Jacob the blueprint of his destiny.
When Jacob eventually woke up he saw only the Stone of Israel not the living stones. These Christians have been used as channel of blessings and won’t seek their own glory. They believe only Jesus must be seen and all glory belongs to Him.
Many Christians are dead stones today because they are static and not ready to be guided by the rock of ages that followed Jacob (Gen 28:15) and the Israelite (1 Cor 10:4). They love their convenience, they have become an edifice to themselves and to the world.
These stones are dead because they are too sophisticated to be accessed; not ready to pour out their lives through the use of their talents, time, money, home and so on. They have become temple being lavished upon, growing to be a great pinnacle yet paraded by the devil (Matt 4:5). They love the decoration, glory and praises of men.
Some of his disciples began talking about the majestic stonework of the Temple and the memorial decorations on the walls. But Jesus said, “The time is coming when all these things will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!” Luke 21:5-6
These buildings or dead stones are gradually losing their relevance and will soon be brought down. Luke 21:6.
The Church of God is not static but precious living stones and should always be mobile to seek out those who are lost
The Church of God is not static but precious living stones and should always be mobile to seek out those who are lost at the workplace, the marketplace, schools, on the train, in the bus, commercial places, community, wherever man is found. Belivers are God’s building. 1 Cor. 3:9; Eph 2:20.
What many regard as the house of God today is not the true house of God. From the illustration of Jacob, he called certain place Bethel (house of God) because he had an encounter and experience with God there through the instrumentality of the living stones there. We are called God’s house if even a lost soul encounter or experience Jesus through our lives.