
Story of a Great Mother of Faith: Jochebed

Jochebed story:
She had faith with her husband when most Hebrew women were not. Instead of being afraid (opposite of faith) of the King’s commandment she kept her faith.

There are many devices crafted against children today like violence and homosexuality on Television. Some government (King’s) laws are already made mandatory against our children’s faith and destinies in some countries. The Lord needs mothers who will stand in faith against this evil laws.

It was not an easy task for the mother of Moses to hide him for 3 months because it requires undivided attention so he wont cry; causing him to be discovered. This suggests to me that she did not do naming ceremony for him, there was no circumcision, he was put to breast on demand so he won’t cry and lots more. She continued in the routine of nursing him for three (3) months not doing anything else

By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king’s commandment.” – Heb 11:23

By faith she released her child to the world of river Nile (the longest river in the world); a river where all children shall pass through. River Nile is the condition when we can not always be with our children. The destinies of many children were buried or floating in the Nile.

1. A Mariam at a distance hiding: Even when we can’t be with them all the time there must be a ‘Mariam’ like grandparents, families relatives, friends or neighbours who fear God.

Their role is to stand watching and praying for mothers when they can’t help themselves.
They will not suggest new things/training to Pharaoh’s daughter’ about the child neither will they seek opportunities for themselves.
They will not teach the child different things or values that is contrary to what the mother has taught the boy.
They will point the child and every opportunity back to their mother.
Their (Mariam’s) reward is that they will have a prominent role in Moses journey through the wilderness.

She made the necessary preparation for the boy so his destiny won’t be buried in river Nile (the world).
Exodus 2:3 And when she could no longer hide him, she took for him an ark or basket made of bulrushes or papyrus [making it watertight by] daubing it with bitumen and pitch. Then she put the child in it and laid it among the rushes by the brink of the river [Nile].

Unlike other Hebrew women (Christian women) that just cast their children into the river (world) to be drown by the enemies, worldly fashion and others, Jochebed placed her son in an watertight ark so he would not sink in the world. She kept the ark by the rushes by the brink of the river [Nile] so he won’t he swayed by the world.

He remained afloat and lived above the world, though Satan’s dart at him was hurled, for the faith of his mother, father and mariam caught the joyful sound, the sound of saints on higher ground. May our children remain afloat the world and every negative pronouncement against their destinies.

God divinely orchestrated the feet of the child’s destiny helper to the river bank. He stopped all wicked people (Egyptians), elements (waves) from coming to drown the child. Pharaoh’s daughter was moved with compassion when she had the cry of the baby. She knew it was from the Hebrew. She sent for a nurse and a Mariam brought the mother.

May our children receive compassion and help from the hands of their enemies. May the Lord raise Mariams for mothers who will strengthen mothers when they are wearied or has no where to turn to.


  1. They will have unrestricted access to the high places (palace) like Jochebed.
  2. All expenses for their child’s upkeep will be paid by their enemies. They will make demand of for their children upkeep.
    Isaiah 49:23 And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers:….
  3. They will be paid for their services early in their life with gold for raising their children unlike mothers who pursue fame and career for the financial security of their children at the expense of raising their children. They are not living a life of faith but of fear.
    Career women end up missing the necessary training for their children because they are not available for them.
  4. They will be able to wean their children, indoctrinate them with the word of God, discover their talents, gifts, and callings, teach them to learn the family customs and values and the values of the Hebrew (the Christians).
    When a child is well indoctrinated with the word of God, he or she will not depart from it when they grow up. It is a window of opportunity.
  5. Their children will be great and stand before Kings and not mean men, Prov. 22:29. They will stand and talk with the enemies at the gate. Psalm 127:3-5
  6. They will be confident of the safety and success when they release their children finally to the hands of Pharaoh/Enemies den.
    These release could be to school, families, friends.
    NB: Since she has unrestricted access to the Palace, she might stop by to check on the child or she might still be called upon for further assistance in raising Hebrew children.

To all mothers:
Happy Mothers’ Day. May your womb birth seeds that will bruise the head of the serpent till Jesus returns. May you all remain faithful to the end.

Sunday Oladiran is a disciple committed to the revival and reformation of the body of Christ. He lives in Ibadan, Nigeria, together with his wife, Bukola. They have two children.

Further reading

Remember Lot’s Wife

by J. C. Ryle There are few warnings in Scripture more solemn than this. The Lord Jesus Christ says to us, “Remember Lot’s wife.”...