
The Naioth Experience

The Lord never rejected the person of Saul but He rejected him from being King, 1 Samuel 16: 1. God’s mercy abounded for Saul to return to the divine calling of God for his life but he missed his last chance at Naioth.

Naioth means dwelling place. It’s a place of rest for the weary pilgrim. It’s a place where God intends to redirect us back to His purpose. It is a place where Saul had to come into discipleship that he abandoned i.e. before Samuel and in the company of prophets, 1 Samuel 19:19-24.

It was in this company, with Samuel and in the company of prophets that the Holy Spirit fell on him, prophesied and was turned to another man (new creation man).

The three pivots of discipleship for Saul were:

  1. His continuous walk with Jesus: which he never had. 1 Samuel 14:35-37.
  2. His relationship with a disciple-maker (like Samuel): He kept obeying his guidance partially after he became king, which is called disobedience according to God and
  3. Lastly fellowship with believers (company of prophets): this was not sustained.

The anointing for service as evident upon Saul was prophesying because of discipleship. Discipleship brings a robbing of the grace and blessing of God upon all involved. 1 Samuel 10:1-13.

1 Samuel 10:10-12 When they came to the hill [Gibeah], behold, a band of prophets met him; and the Spirit of God came mightily upon him, and he spoke under divine inspiration among them. And when all who knew Saul before saw that he spoke by inspiration among the [schooled] prophets, the people said one to another, What has come over [him, who is nobody but] the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets? One from that same place answered, But who is the father of the others? So it became a proverb, Is Saul also among the prophets?

When Saul kept disobeying God, then God rejected him from being King but he refused to accept that decision until God replaced him and he was having an evil spirit upon his life. Naioth was the only and last chance for Saul to be delivered from the evil spirit from the Lord, his jealousy, envy and bitterness for David and to enter into the gift and purpose of God for his life that He lost when he absconded from discipleship.

If you dwell in discipleship, it will strip you of whatever offence you put on- the flesh. Saul was stripped of the royal robe that God had rejected of him.

The reason you struggle to leave that royal robe, that ministry, that office for God’s elect could be because you fear, “what is the family going to eat?” “what will the family wear?” “what will people say?” “And fear of being scorned”. But your heavenly father knows how to keep you.

The new space for Saul- “among the Prophets.”
Here is a room, a space that God revived for Saul. The place he did not pay attention to initially but only became a proverb of question among the people, “Is Saul also among the prophets? One from that same place answered, But who is the father of the others? So it became a proverb.”

This proverb of question surfaced again after Saul was stripped and humbled himself before Samuel.

1 Samuel 19:24 He took off his royal robes and prophesied before Samuel and lay down stripped thus all that day and night. So they say, Is Saul also among the prophets?

When will this proverb of question be answered in your lives?
When you are in discipleship, it will be evident among the people, they will see the grace and manifestations of God in your life. If you hold on to that ‘kingship/leadership’ that God wants you to drop, you will only acquire unfaithful men, staff and coworkers around your lives. Discipleship helps you to put off the offence in your life before God. If you naked your life before God in discipleship you will receive His new garment. If you miss your Naioth Experience (discipleship), you might miss your last opportunity to be relevant in God’s plan.

When the enemy (Amalekite) comes from walking to and from the earth and finds the crown and bracelet on you (the offence, flesh) then will your soul be damned, 2 Samuel 1:8-10. The offence you carry is to remain King (ministry, office, leader) when the Lord has rejected you from being so. Dismantle/disengage from that ministry, leadership role, office, and headship that Jesus has rejected your from before it destroys you.

Prayer: May your opportunities not become a proverb of question in the nations. Amen

Sunday Oladiran is a teacher of God's Word, committed to the revival and reformation of the body of Christ. He lives in Ibadan, Nigeria, together with his wife, Bukola. They have two children.

Further reading

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