I came across this song on YouTube and I immediately fell in love with it. Even though the song is in, what I later learnt to be Portuguese (Brazil)...
A Youth’s Call to Surrender: The story of the religious rich young ruler (Matthew 19:16-22; Mark 10:17-22; Luke 18:18-23) serves as a poignant...
God’s Sovereignty in Saul’s Life The “evil spirit from the Lord” that troubled Saul (1 Samuel 16:14) is a reminder of God’s...
Allegory on self-reliance and reliance on God.Cain’s unyielding warning to God’s warningDespite God’s warning to Cain, Genesis 4...
Allegory on self-reliance and reliance on God. The story of Adam and his role in the Garden of Eden offers profound insights into the beginning of...
Hebrews 12:24 You have come to Jesus, who arranged the new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that promises much better things than does the blood...
The Lord never rejected the person of Saul but He rejected him from being King, 1 Samuel 16: 1. God’s mercy abounded for Saul to return to the...
“And she exclaimed with a loud voice, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.’” – Luke 1:42Every woman...
Abraham encountered God, saw His glory, and was instructed by the Lord to leave his country, extended family, and relatives. Unfortunately, Lot never...