

Delay to God’s vision

“Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD: look unto the rock [whence] ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit...

Christ the Best Husband

Also, titled, “Christ the Best Husband: Or an Earnest Invitation to Young Women to Come and See Christ” was a sermon preached by George...

Are You Fighting?

“Fight the good fight of faith”—1 Timothy 6:12 by J. C. Ryle (1816-1900) It is a curious fact that there is no subject about which most people feel...

Christ Exalted

—Excerpts from: James Smith, “Christ Exalted, Saints Comforted, and Sinners Directed” 1855—If we look at the comparisons which are made use of by the...

Christmas: Gathering to Christ

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,  Glory to God in the highest, and on earth...

The Blood of Sprinkling

by C. H. Spurgeon.Delivered on Lord’s-day Morning, February 28th, 1886. And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of...